Our Concrete Scanning Services

Cutting & Coring

One hit while cutting or coring a concrete floor can result in project delays, loss of potential jobs and much more. Our Conquest concrete scanning equipment reduces the chance of hitting post-tension cables, gas lines, high voltage lines and rebar.

Power Cable Detection (PCD)

The PCD enhances traditional GPR concrete imaging, increasing safety by mapping the magnetic fields created by current flowing in electrical wiring.

Drill Locator

Locate the safest site to cut or drill. Use our software to slice down through different depths of a specific area to determine the best location to cut or drill without harming existing structures or utilities.

Retrofitting or renovating an existing structure? How confident are you that you know the existing construction? New designs depend on knowledge of the existing structure. We can use our equipment to confirm records, construction practices and identify critical variations.

Visualization Software

Our ConquestView software generates depth slices and cross-sectional 3D images of concrete structures on a PC, this data can be reprocessed, printed or archived.

As Built Structure Assessment

Structural Integrity

Identify reinforcing, voids, areas of potential corrosion and delamination in concrete structures of all types.